Where Are You?

Okay, let’s see if this “six degrees of separation” thing actually works. I could use your help. The bottom line is I’m lonely and I’m discouraged.

I moved to Seattle a year and a half ago, not knowing a soul. But I’m not really sure that I fully understood what a huge leap of faith that would be. Had I thought it through, I may not have had the courage to take that step.

I think I’m a good person. I’m funny and interesting and compassionate and passionate and entertaining and intelligent and I have integrity. I’m also someone who thrives in a relationship, but out here I can’t even get a date.

Not for lack of trying, believe me. I’ve recently stepped off the toxic treadmill of rejection that is internet dating. I think I met every nut job and player in the Seattle metropolitan area. I have to admit that my work schedule does not do me any favors. My “weekends” are Mondays and Tuesdays. That makes it hard to meet people. But I think I’m worth the extra effort.

I think part of the reason I get passed over is that I’m not a girly girl, I’m not a size 3, and I couldn’t give two sh**s about the NFL. But come on, there has to be someone out there who doesn’t care about those things.

I just want a guy who would like to travel, locally and internationally. Someone smart who would be fun to talk to. Someone curious about the world. Someone who accepts me as I am. Is that too much to ask? It would also be nice if the man in question were between the ages of 48 and 60, and lived within 25 miles of Seattle.

I have my deal breakers, too. I will not date a smoker. If your children are under 18 I’ll run screaming in the opposite direction. And I would have absolutely nothing in common with a conservative.

Where are you???? Because believe me, I’m right here.

If you know anyone who knows anyone who knows anyone, please pass this along. If they want to know more about me, my daily blog is me. It’s my heart and soul in cyberspace.

As vulnerable as I just made myself, I must be sincere. So please, spread the world.


Author: The View from a Drawbridge

I have been a bridgetender since 2001, and gives me plenty of time to think and observe the world.

24 thoughts on “Where Are You?”

  1. I am surprised. I would think just the chance to be at the draw bridge when it opens would have guys lining up and you could choose…. Maybe the poet they choose to “live” at the bridge could be a,possibility?

    And agreed smoker is gross and don’t blame you at all for the kids under 18 deal! I still have one ….

  2. Many men who may agree with a “No Children” policy still expect the women in their lives to be nurturing…maybe a few blogs highlighting your nurturing aspects… 🙂

  3. Yeah… but most men take offense when you treat them like dogs and some people treat their dogs better than humans. Me…I try to nurture all sentient life forms equally, but not all humans qualify as sentient. 🙂

  4. Dear Barb: I’ve known you for 30 years and know you to be a very sweet, kind, and caring person. I believe there is a good man out there for you. I find that relationships that last seem to be the ones that seemed to happen by “accident” (or fate). The couples I’m talking about never charted out a definite course, joined a dating service, or felt they’d never find someone. Fate seemed to bring them together when they least expected it ….and when the time was right. My parents, grandparents, great-parents all met this way. Keep living your life in the wonderfully good and decent way you always have and FATE will step in and find you a good man to share your life with. your friend, Sam

  5. Your openness, honesty and clear sense of self is refreshing! I hope there is a man courageous enough to respond! BTW you are amazing. Friend, Julie

    1. Bi-sexual would maximize her options…after all, there are a few interesting men left out there… You know any Art? 🙂

  6. So are you saying you don’t know any interesting single male bloggers worthy of our Barb? She is expanding beyond dating websites at this point…but maybe a pouringmyartout based dating site would generate more success for her 🙂

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