Calling All Readers

Did you just hear my StoryCorps interview on NPR’s Morning Edition? What a rush!!! If you missed it, check it out on the StoryCorps site here. Or even better, look at the amazing write up it was given on the NPR site, and listen to the recording with their intro. And please, share it with friends!

In light of the positive feedback I’m getting from that, I’m thinking of taking my blog to the next level by writing some anthologies. I sure could use your help with this. You’ve been giving me amazing feedback over the years, and I really value your opinion.

As you know, my blog is kind of eclectic, but there are various themes that keep cropping up, such as drawbridge stories, travel, exploring Seattle/Washington, quirky questions and observations, feminist rants, my sense of self… just to name a few.

What I’d like to know is which of my over 1200 entries do you enjoy the most? What topics interest you? What type of anthology would you most like to see from me?

For your generous assistance, I’ll include your name in the anthology unless you prefer to remain anonymous. Either way, thanks in advance. You’re awesome!

Looking forward to providing you with more views from a drawbridge!

The view from my drawbridge right now.


Author: The View from a Drawbridge

I have been a bridgetender since 2001, and gives me plenty of time to think and observe the world.

13 thoughts on “Calling All Readers”

  1. Great interview….wish we could have heard more from you though, so an anthology would grant that wish. I love that your subject matter is eclectic. It inspires me to explore and dig deeper and grow beyond the everyday usual. So I have to vote for your wide range of quirky questions and observations…please,

  2. I always come away inspired by your blog, but what I find particularly amazing is the way you deal with going through a dark time. You use your positive outlook to continually reinvent yourself and get to a better place ~ and anyone who has been reading your blog for a long time knows you have been in some really dark places. You’ve been in the kind of places that scare me and keep me from taking risks make changes in my life. Seeing you brave through and come out in a much better place helps me gather the tools I need to get started and make a move. When you picked up and moved across country, just about as far away as you could possibly get from one place to the other, I nearly fell over with awe. That’s what I’d like to hear more about!

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