Taking the Willy Pepper Challenge

Blogging is challenging sometimes. So is nature. So when you combine blogging with nature, you really come up against it, so to speak.

The other day I came across the picture below and after making sure it wasn’t some cruel hoax, my first thought, as is often the case these days, is that this would make excellent blog fodder!

Then I got all cocky. (Sorry. I just had to.) I decided to challenge other bloggers to write about the Willy Pepper, to see what they could come up with. (The puns just keep on coming. Oh God. There’s another one. Oh…)

So, the upshot is (Jeez…) I don’t really have much to say about this derivative veggie other than a few words of advice. It should only be eaten in moderation, or you might get burned. 

willy pepper

Author: The View from a Drawbridge

I have been a bridgetender since 2001, and gives me plenty of time to think and observe the world.

5 thoughts on “Taking the Willy Pepper Challenge”

  1. That’s it? That’s the big ‘money shot’? I thought you would make it bigger… and longer… and keep stroking it until you had wrung all the juice out of this penile vegetable. But this is just hard to swallow. I know it isn’t the size of the post… (HA!!!!!)… but the heat of the exchange that matters, but I feel sort of deflated, wilted, unable to function. I think we both could have done better if we had been more willing to take this subject deep within ourselves and surrender to its spicy ravishings.
    If you do ever eat one of those, be safe… use a condiment…
    Now stop pointing that thing at me…

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